Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

Welcome to my Books & Courses page

These books and courses are a deep dive into the process I use in session with clients, so that you can be your own therapist and gain the value and results on your own!

Extraordinary Mommy
A loving guide to mastering life's most important job.

Imagine having a wise, loving guide ready with advice and encouragement whenever mothering gets overwhelming…

Being a mommy may be the most important job there is, but when buried in chaos, crying and dirty diapers, it’s easy to forget what matters most. And yet, one simple question can solve most any “mommy challenge”:

“What would love do now?”

Meet Betsy, the mom everyone wanted to call their own. A true parenting guru, she overflowed with unconditional love, silly fun, and infinite understanding. Then, one sunny afternoon, with no warning, tragically, she was gone.

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These books create a simple road map for the complexities of life.

Extraordinary You
Master Your Feelings,
Master Your Life

Your inner dialogue is the blueprint that constructs your life. Are you satisfied with what you’ve built?

Feelings are the roots of our lives. And how we deal with the challenging ones—anxiety, stress, self-doubt, and pain—will absolutely determine the quality of those lives.

Yet, most of us were never taught how to effectively deal with tough emotions. As a result, many will avoid the necessary but sometimes uncomfortable “inner” work by escaping into social media, food, work, shopping, drugs, alcohol or simply staying glued to our devices. The result? Short-term pleasure, but at a precious long-term cost…

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