Contribution by Guest Blogger Coach Colette.
Recently, I offered insights to participants at Tory Johnson’s Women for Hire NY Career Expo in a Power Seminar on How to Position Yourself in a Tight Job Market. I thought I’d share some of the pointers from my talk here on the blog. I still believe that today’s market provides an opportunity for you to reevaluate your priorities and refresh your game plan. So, in essence, my tips on positioning yourself in the market are more internally than externally focused.
We know that in today’s New Normal keeping your head down, doing your work and just hoping that your efforts will get recognized won’t help you land your next major job or business opportunity. I’ve spoken before about the value in developing 20/10 Vision: the ability to see things clearly at 20-feet that other people can only see from 10-feet away. It means developing your own bird’s eye view of your target market, industry or opportunity.
Here are Four Steps to Develop Your 20/10 Career Vision. They are aligned with the steps in my eBook Focus on Your Vision.
- Clear Your Lens: Remove Distractions – Get centered and refocus on what’s most important. Track your schedule over the next three (3) days to see how you REALLY spend your time, and begin to recognize the times of day when you’re most productive. Why? Because then you’ll be clear about when it makes sense to do your market/industry research; when to make “warm” calls to your champions and advisors; and when to make “cold” calls to industry leaders for informational interviews. Every company and industry has its own unique characteristics. In today’s New Normal, you need to be an investigative reporter who explores and uncovers all the relevant issues, trends and opportunities.
- Reveal Your True Intentions: Figure Out What You REALLY Want – Revealing your true intentions can make it easier to choose between competing careers, jobs, tasks, and industries. Have you created a crystal clear vision of the type of job you want, the level of income you desire, the work environment in which you’ll thrive, the qualities in your ideal manager or team? Do you know the values that reflect your personal attitude and work ethic? The more you know about your motivators, strengths, and values the easier it will be to attract opportunities that truly inspire you to perform.
- Envision Your Future: Visualize Your Dream Job – Imagine your world as it will be when you’ve landed your dream job — do this proactively and consistently. What is your next best role? Write down positive affirmations of what you’ll be able to do, what you will have accomplished once you’ve secured this position. Keep visual reminders to stay motivated — create a vision board with inspirational images and quotes that reflect your dream job and ultimate lifestyle. Review it often.
- Watch for Blind Spots: FLIP Your Script – Even with the best laid plans, you will encounter setbacks — both external roadblocks and even situations where you might get in your own way. My clients have told me about past situations where their inertia or indecisiveness led to missed opportunities. Listen to the things you say to yourself about your career, your job, and your chances of achieving your carer goals. How many are positive vs. negative? When you hear yourself repeating negative messages, say “STOP!” and replace the thought or message with a more positive statement. Do what you can to flip your script to get back on track to visualizing your dream job and ultimate lifestyle.
Let me know your thoughts and reactions, and also share your own success stories and tips – here on JasminBalance Blog, on my blog, or tweet me @Coach_Colette.
This post was originally published on Coach Collete’s Blog.