Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

Invisible Children: Kony 2012 Video

If you haven’t seen this film already, it’s time. Many people have by now heard of it, seen it in their Facebook News Feeds, or been e-mailed by friends, but all it takes after that is one click and 27 life-changing minutes.
Through it’s emphasis on evocative and personal stories, the film encourages the viewer to use their imaginations for good: to relate, to care, and to want to make a difference. Jasmin says: “I admire the filmmaker for following his passion and purpose and in doing so, helping other people focus on issues beyond the common realm of thinking. His actions and their impact show that coming from love and compassion can immediately inspire and mobilize others to do the same.”
To learn more, and to take action, visit the film’s website:
Get involved:
Watch the film on YouTube:


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