“Deep breaths calm your body and mind….. where is your breath right now?” – Jasmin Terrany, LMHC Continue reading “Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin”
Tag: Motivational Quote
Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin
“Create moments to unplug. Leave your phone at home…” – Jasmin Terrany, LMHC Continue reading “Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin”
Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin
“If we constantly strive for more, we are never satisfied with what we have. Balance is key…” – Jasmin Terrany, LMHC Continue reading “Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin”
Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin
“Self love can begin when you acknowledge the innocent child you oncewere, and give him/her the love and acceptance he/she still longs for.” – Jasmin Terrany, LMHC Continue reading “Thoughts that help my balance… With love, Jasmin”