Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

My Free Guided Meditations on Insight Timer

Having trouble meditating? Here are nine guided meditations that I created, available on the free app for meditation and sleep, Insight Timer.

In our social media world it can be easy to get lost in comparisons and self-doubt. When you are feeling down on yourself, this meditation will re-center you. Listen to it daily, to uncover your truest light, and strengthen your ability to access it whenever you need it.

Weight Loss: How we eat is as important as what we eat. I’ve helped people lose over 50 lbs and overcome severe eating disorders, without fad diets or crazy exercise routines, simply by committing to changing self-talk. Most people who struggle with body image and food issues are stuck in the vicious cycle of restriction and indulgence. They think that if they only had better self control, they would finally have the body they want. Unfortunately, this rarely works in the long run. This guided meditation is the framework I’ve used with multiple clients to retrain your mind. Learn to be more kind to yourself, and how to listen to and take care of your body’s truest needs. With a more loving and peaceful mind, your body can let go of the excess weight.

One minute is better than nothing. This quick grounding technique is geared towards the busy lives who barely have a moment to breathe. The most important lesson in meditation is that the only “bad” meditation is “no” meditation. It’s amazing how quickly the days go by, but how long one minute can feel when you let yourself slow down actually to experience it. Take 60 seconds, it will be worth it.

As much as we may love our significant others, sometimes we don’t like them very much, and it can be difficult to get on the same page. I deeply believe that love relationship are our greatest teachers. Those closest to us trigger our deepest issues to arise. Many people are tempted to run away when this occurs, but rather than run, judge, blame or disconnect, it can be helpful to be lovingly curious as to what we may need to be learning about ourselves. This daily meditation is intended to help us let go of our unhealthy reactions and understand ourselves and our partners more clearly.

This practice will help you reduce Stress & Anxiety without Lessening Your Productivity. In our busy society, focused on goals, achievements and “getting more done”, it can feel like we don’t have a moment to breathe. This particularly unique meditation is designed to help you address overwhelm, stress and anxiety in the moment and access your inner calm, especially when you need it most.

Our feelings are our responsibility. Our children don’t deserve our pain. As difficult as it is to admit, I can understand why people hurt their children. There are moments that it takes every ounce of strength I can find, to refrain from saying or doing the terrible things that are raging inside of me. It is in those moments, or hopefully preemptively, that this meditation can help us refrain from taking out our pain on our children, and remember their innocence, so that we can access the infinite love we truly have for them, especially when it’s hard.

Bedtime can be a particularly hard time for children (or anyone!) so I designed this children’s meditation to help them learn how to breathe and relax as part of the bedtime routine. Enjoy it as part of your daily ritual and bonding experience. Intended for children aged 3 – 18.

This practice is designed for those pregnant, as a daily exercise to help you prepare your mind, heart, body and soul for this most significant experience in your life: giving birth. Most people feel fearful at the thought of birthing, and these affirmations are intended to help you trust in your body and let nature do what it is meant to do.

It can be extremely taxing to have a busy mind, especially since it doesn’t have an “off switch.” Whether you want to get centered before you start your day, take a break at lunch, or finally take a moment to relax before bed, this simple yet powerful technique can truly help you unwind when you are feeling wound up.

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