Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

Video: The Surprising Science of Happiness

Cognitive researcher Nancy Etcoff looks at happiness — the ways we try to achieve and increase it, the way it’s untethered to our real circumstances, and its surprising effect on our bodies.
Video: The Surprising Science of Happiness

These were a few things that I found interesting…
“…babies are born as pleasure seekers..”
“…our desire for happiness makes us medicate ourselves…take illegal drugs…so far, not much success..”
“….still seeing rises in depression and anxiety…there is more suicide than homicide…”
“…research shows that money doesn’t increase happiness level…”
“….genes determine about 50% of our happiness…”
“….happy marriage formula: 5 positive remarks for every one negative remark…”
“…we’re more averse to negative experiences than appreciative of positive experiences…”
“…happiness is not just the absence of misery…”
“…emotions are contagious…”
“…humans love nature…more people go to zoos than sporting events…”
“…people in hospitals recover more quickly when they are looking out the window at nature rather than a brick wall…”
“…suicide letters are less hopeless than expected, and more alone…”
“…money isn’t the ‘root of all evil’….but love of money (materialism) is..”
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