Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

Juicy Relationship Secrets Revealed

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Time: 8:30pm – 9:30pm EST

Recently I saw Laura Doyle, The New York Times best-selling author of The Surrendered Wife and The Surrendered Single speaking at a Women’s Success Summit. She was talking about how bad it felt to hear herself nagging her husband or telling him what to do–even if she said it nicely. She described how focusing on her own happiness had been the key to having an intimate, passionate, peaceful relationship with her husband, and to restoring her dignity. It was riveting! Laura has agreed to join me for an in-depth discussion about her methods, which she says are habits that all women with happy relationships have in common.
Join us on Tuesday evening via phone and I promise that Laura will share some intimate stories (some of them pretty embarrassing) to illustrate the habits that contribute to a magical relationship.
We will be discussing:

  • The indispensable first step to both attracting the man who’s right for you and keeping the spark alive for a lifetime
  • The six habits that women with lifelong romances have in common
  • The number one thing men want from the women they love (hint: It’s not sex!)
  • The hidden expectation that women commonly have that stands between them and having a great relationship

After the interview, Laura and I will take your relationship questions.
To join the teleconference,

Call: 1-218-936-4700
Access Code 4600370

Looking forward to the conversation,

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