Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

How do I increase my self-worth when dating?

Dating is such a difficult concept. And I feel that many women, and even men, particularly in New York, struggle with dating in the city. One of my theories on dating involves helping women increase their feelings of self worth. Often women give men an “A”  (the top mark) before they earn it. This usually leads to a fall from grace over and over and over, because this “A” was given prematurely. Continue reading “How do I increase my self-worth when dating?”

Becoming the Person We Want to Find

“Pursue compassion and self-awareness. Then, one day, love will tap you lightly on the shoulder and say ‘I’m here.’” ~Unknown.
This week, Nina, Social Media Director for JasminBalance, had an article published on TinyBuddha!
Here is a brief synopsis of her insightful and introspective post about how love can be blind, or can turn on the light of awareness:
Continue reading “Becoming the Person We Want to Find”

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