Life TherapyTM
Psychotherapy & Coaching + Mindfulness & Meditation

What to Do When Your Spouse is Type A?

What to do when your partner is super controlling, critical, wants to have everything exactly their way, fully Type A? It can be challenging. I’ve always said, there’s nothing black and white about this, it’s all gray. What’s most important is to prioritize the relationship above all and to flow with your partner instead of…

If Your Marriage is in Trouble, Consider This

If you are thinking that your marriage might be in trouble, this is something to really consider. Prioritize being loving, over being right. Trying to be right and trying to make the other person wrong creates separation, not closeness. Try to be accepting that your partner is another person. They are different from you, and…

Advice to your Inbox:

The Most Important Part of Parenthood

If you are expecting or if you are already a parent, this is the most important of parenthood. You are your child’s first love. How you love them and your ability to see them and allow them to be exactly who they are is going to determine how they interact in the world, how they…

What constitutes a healthy marriage?

You’d be surprised to know that, as someone who has a healthy marriage, who has had good role models, whose husband has had good role models, who knows what a healthy marriage looks like, and who knows how to create a healthy marriage, my marriage is not always pretty. Most days we’re just coexisting, nothing’s…

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